Miyeon & Park - Queen & King Dream from the Ancestor (2CD)
Miyeon & Park - Queen & King Dream from the Ancestor (2CD)

Noise Asia new CD released noted by Hyunjoon Kim 

Artist: Miyeon & Park 美妍&樸
Label: Noise Asia

由鋼琴手 美妍和打擊樂器演奏者 樸在千組成的雙人“美妍&樸”, 在數年期間成為代表韓國以及亞洲的最高的即興音樂演奏組合。他們的融合了自由爵士樂、國樂、現代古典、搖滾樂核心的音樂在過去10多年期間通過許多表演成功地表現了21世紀型即興音樂的全新代案。這在美國的爵士樂與亞洲的獨特而深沉, 以及非常直觀的精神世界結合而成的令人驚嘆的嶄新形態的藝術。現在再讓我們一覽他們創造的兩個優秀的錄音成果, [Queen & King](2005)和[Dreams From The Ancestor](2008)吧。

“美妍&樸”的演奏具有可以用構成即興的語法來形容的最高水準的音樂性。以明了的旋律和接近為基礎的他們的音樂展現了與眾不同的獨創主題, 通過令人驚嘆的演奏力和豐富的表現力促使其高效地發展。 [Queen & King]正是驗證這種音樂性的偉大作品, 譜寫了韓國爵士樂的新歷史篇章。雖然這是被分屬於爵士樂的作品, 但具有與美國的爵士樂截然不同的旋律感, 可以代表亞洲之情的淒愴的抒情性隨處可見。雖然節拍數隨時變化, 但其興味特別自然, 很難令人感覺到其中的差異。與下一個專輯-[Dreams From The Ancestor]一樣, 所有的演奏和錄音未經編輯作業, 通過現場錄製完成。

“美妍&樸” DUO的最終目標之一是將韓國音樂的傳統融入他們的作品中。這並非單純地意味著將爵士樂和韓國音樂混合在一起。雖然“美妍&樸”DUO既不是爵士樂, 也不是國樂, 但是兼具兩者之美德的全新風格的音樂。令人驚嘆的成果正是[Dreams From The Ancestor]。例如, 韓國的傳統音樂和巫俗音樂存在49拍、48拍、40拍、36拍等的特殊形態, “美妍&樸”利用其興味, 保留韓國固有的味道, 在其上創造出現代印象的新旋律, 成功地創造了“現實中的真實傳說之聲”。這是隨著歲月的流逝, 其真價日益增高的作品, 2009年“韓國大眾音樂獎”上獲得“今年的最優秀混合音樂專輯”和“今年的最優秀演奏”部門大獎。


The duo Miyeon&Park, formed of pianist Miyeon Park and percussionist Jechun Park, has been called the best improvisational music group not only in Korea but in Asia for years. Assembling the cores of experimental free jazz, Korean traditional music, contemporary classical music and as well as rock music, the duo has performed countless concerts over a decade and successfully presented the new alternate of improvisational music for 21st century. Miyeon&Park has put the Asian universe of spirits, which is very unique, deep and intuitional, into the American jazz, and established a remarkable and fresh pattern of art. Now, here are two outstanding works of recordings of the duo, “Queen and King”(2005) and “Dreams From The Ancestor”(2008).

Miyeon&Park lets us see the supreme level of arts with the language of so-called “structured-improvisation”. Being based on clear motifs and approaches, the duo shows very original subjects we can’t find in others’ music. Breathtaking skills of performance and rich power of expressions are their weapons to develop and improve the subjects efficiently. “Queen & King” is the great work of the artistry and it did re-write the history of jazz in Korea. Although it is categorized in jazz, its sense of rhythms is totally different from that of American jazz and we can feel the pathetic lyricism that contains the very Asian sentiments. The counts of beats are often changing, but the flow is so natural that no one can easily catch. Like the next release, “Dreams From The Ancestor”, these are all performed and recorded in live one-take, without any edits.

One of the ultimate goals of the duo was putting the tradition of Korean music in their work of art. It didn’t mean just a mixture of jazz and Korean. Miyeon&Park succeeded in making a new style of music that shows both virtues of jazz and Korean traditional music, but no one can call it either jazz or Korean. “Dreams From The Ancestor” is the definite outcome that the duo has accomplished with the goal. For instance, there are extraordinary 49 beats, 48 beats, 40 beats, 36 beats and so on in Korean traditional and shamanic music, and Miyeon&Park utilized the unique patterns to keep the work being Korean own. Creating new melodies with modern impressions on the base, the duo finally lets us hear “the legendary sound that lives in reality”. As time goes by, “Dreams From The Ancestor” reveals more merits to people. It won “The Best Crossover Album of the Year” and “The Best Performance of the Year” at Korean Music Awards in 2009.

Hyunjoon Kim(jazz critic)

CD link here