CCDC 駐團編舞家桑吉加全新作品《後感性‧實相》為2017舞季揭開序幕。作品名字包含了中國90年代藝術思潮「後感性」及佛學用語「實相」。兩個看似毫不相關的概念,是怎樣拼在一起?且看桑吉加親自分享!
CCDC Resident Choreographer Sang Jijia’s latest work “Post-Perception/Transcendence” kicks off 2017 Dance Season. The title consists of “Post-Perception” and “Dharmatā” (here refers to “Transcendence”). “Dharmata” is a Buddhism term in Sanskrit, meaning the whole of things as they are. "Post-Perception" is a concept put forward by some Chinese artists in 1990s when Conceptual Art became popular; they questioned about what’s its meaning, what’s its value as a concept being formed? In this video, Sang Jijia talks about how he got the ideas of creating his new piece with these two different concepts.
Choreography : Sang Jijia
劇作指導/文本創作 :鄧樹榮
Dramaturgy/Text : Tang Shu-wing
原創音樂 :李勁松
Original Music : Dickson Dee @Noise Asia Production
佈景設計 :張國永
Set Design : Leo Cheung
服裝設計 :何珮姍
Costume Design : Cindy Ho Pui-shan
燈光設計 :劉詩豪
Lighting Design : Low Shee Hoe
音響設計 :夏恩蓓
Sound Design : Ha Yan-pui
31.3 - 1.4.2017
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$280, $220, 160
門票現於城市售票網公開發售 www.urbtix.hk
Tickets NOW available at URBTIX